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Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTAs)

Gold STAR Achievement

At Hawksmoor, we were awarded the TFL Gold Accreditation in 2022 for all our hard work in keeping safe, active and sustainable travel high on our agenda. We retained our Gold Accredited status in 2023 and intend to do the same in 2024.

Here at Hawksmoor our Junior travel ambassadors help to promote safer, active and independent travel within the school community in a fun and engaging way. The Junior Travel Ambassador (JTA) scheme encourages peer-to-peer engagement.  The Ambassadors meet every week and are responsible for promoting active travel to school by walking, scooting, cycling or even by park and stride.

The JTAs take assemblies and devise ways to get our school community more active on the way to and from School. They research and conduct surveys of our active travel and carry out class talks.

Our school community is encouraged to support the hard work of the JTAs by being active on the way to and from school.


Meet the JTAs



D - Year 6

The best part of being a JTA is being able to encourage people to walk, cycle or park and stride when coming to school.  We get to go on trips with other JTAs and plan how to get people to walk to school.

T - Year 6

The best part of being a JTA is encouraging people to walk to school.  Also, learning how to keep yourself safe.  We get to learn lots of different things and socialise with the other JTAs.

N - Year 6

My role as a JTA is to ensure that people inside and outside of the school are safe on the roads and that they use their cars less.  If you live far away, try parking and striding.  If you walk more you will start to enjoy it.

A - Year 6

My job is to encourage younger and older people to walk, scoot and cycle to school.  If you can’t do this you may be able to park and stride.  You can also take part in special events such as walk to school week and cycle to school week.

E - Year 5

It is my responsibility to encourage people to travel in different ways, using less fuel to pollute the air.  However, if you cannot walk or cycle to school I recommend you take the bus or park and stride.  We also organise special events to try and get people to see the different ways to travel. 

T - Year 5

As a JTA it is my job to encourage everybody to walk, cycle or scoot to school.  But as you know some people live too far but they can still do park and stride. We want everyone to come to school safely as well as not using cars too much.

D - Year 5

My responsibility as a JTA is to do everything in my power to make sure everyone is safe coming to and from school.  As well as to try as much as possible to get people to walk, cycle or scoot.  And for those who live too far away, you can always park and stride!

H - Year 5

As a JTA, I encourage students and parents to walk, scoot or cycle to school.  If you are unable to do this you could park and stride.  Instead of using your car, you could travel in different, more healthy ways which stop air pollution.

JTA News

Walk to School Week 2024

The Junior Travel Ambassadors have been busy planning and delivering an assembly for Walk to School Week.  They have introduced prizes and will be exploring our Travel Tracker data to award the classes who have been the most active during the week.  Each class took part, using their resources to talk about why active travel is so good for us.

Our Travel Ambassadors put it best during their assembly:

“Active travel can improve so much, including:


-Being more physical

-Fresh air

-Clear your mind

-Your travel tracker”

“Walk to school week isn’t just about receiving prizes from your teachers, but also making our earth safer and helping out the world.”



Endeavour Partnership Trust

Our trust believes strongly in partnership working and over the years staff have worked with and supported many schools within the borough and beyond.

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